Keratosis Pilaris Treatment

Keratosis Pilaris (commonly referred to as KP) generally has the appearance of skin bumps, usually appearing on the upper arms and thighs. They can also appear on the cheeks, back and buttocks. Keratosis Pilaris is not harmful, although unattractive.

What causes Keratosis Pilaris?keratosis-pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris is usually worse in the winter months or any other time of low humidity when the skin may become dry. Keratosis results from the follicles becoming plugged, which causes inflammation and redness.

Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris:

Keratosis Pilaris is generally asymptomatic; the chronic nature causes most patients significant discomfort. There are topical treatments available, that your dermatologist can prescribe for you to help improve the appearance of Keratosis Pilaris. Avoiding scratching, wearing tight clothing or using abrasive washes or scrubs is recommended in order to not further aggravate the condition.

Call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Scott Friedman in order for them to assess your condition and determine which treatment would best benefit you.