Ambulatory Phlebectomy is the technique of varicose vein removal through tiny punctures or incisions under local anesthesia. It is indicated for the treatment of bulging varicosities that would not respond as well to sclerotherapy due to the thickness of its walls. It is done at our facilities under local anesthesia without the need for hospitalization. Incisions measure 1-2mm. requiring few if any sutures, and scars should not be visible after 3-4 months. Since it is minimally invasive, patients walk immediately and most drive home themselves. Prescription pain medication is not required. Normal daily activities are resumed immediately, except for strenuous exercise. Expect to be bandaged for 3-5 days, with subsequent use of compression stockings or panty hose for an additional 10 days during the day only.

Complications associated with this procedure are extremely rare. If an undesirable side effect is encountered, it is usually associated with post surgical compression; including blister formation or accumulation of blood under the skin. Other rare unwanted side effects are similar to those listed under the sclerotherapy section. In extremely rare instances the local anesthesia could be injected directly into a vein which could cause unwanted cardiac effects.