Sclerotherapy is indicated for cosmetic and medical intervention of unwanted veins. A special solution is injected into the abnormal vein to irritate, collapse, and ultimately destroy the vein. It is virtually painless. Over a period of weeks, the vessel turns into scar tissue that the body will reabsorb slowly fading from view. The number of treatment sessions is determined by the extent of your condition. Sessions usually last one half hour, but may vary in length depending on your specific needs. After the treatment session you will be required to wear compression (garment/wrap) for a minimum of 24-72 hours. This assists in the healing process, avoiding complications. Most patients can expect 50% improvement per session of the treated area for spider veins; larger vessels are less predictable, with a goal of 75-95% improvement in treated vessels. However, the fading process can sometimes be slow and perfection is seldom achieved.